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Hello Friends, One of my sharpest memories, from when I was about five years old, is of nightmares. Perhaps because they were often detailed and colourful. My nightmares were not very picky. They picked their material from horror stories some cousin related or even a casual visit to a zoo. The latter had me once dreaming about being trapped inside a cage of chattering monkeys. At night! Another scary dream had me driving a car up wide steps in a moonlit place, while Dementor-like white, filmy figures floated outside the vehicle. This one sprung out of a movie car chase sequence I’d watched the previous evening. Don’t ask me how the nightmare and the car chase were connected! My brain seemed to delight in making the connection instantly. And no, there was no Potter when I was five. :D Then and now, I’ve always found dreams fascinating. I wonder if our brain turns into a movie editor at night! I can imagine it going over the random images it captures throughout our day, to then mix and match, add its two bits, and come out with a whole new movie. If we are lucky, we could enjoy a delightful dream. I dreamt of butterflies last night. Beautiful ones. I even identified their names in my dream! :D Doesn’t the sheer variety of dreams make you think about the power of imagination Think about it... do you have a single fear that does not stem from your own head Whether it is the fear of the dark or the fear of things that go bump in the night, aren’t our fears born within us The best way to dispel a fear is to make light of it, laugh it away, and share it. So, want to tell me your dreams And for those of you, who will celebrate Dussehra on 22 October and Halloween on 31 October, we wish you pot-loads of fun!