The Sixth Series

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The Sixth Karan Vir Oberoi, the protagonist of the series is a high profile businessman. The series starts with Karan Vir having recurring nightmares of an unknown warrior. Determined to seek the truth, his quest leads him back to his homeland, India. As destined, Karan travels to the Indian state of Bihar where he meets Ved Vyas, the great sage who wrote the Mahabharata 2000 yrs ago. Ved Vyas an immortal, used his spiritual powers to travel in time to meet Karan Vir and narrates him a story. Hence Karan Vir was the first to listen to “The Legend of Karna”, which narrates Karna’s true exploits and the events of Mahabharata. The narration included Karna’s child hood years, his adventures as a young man, his relationship with the Great Guru Master Lord Parshuram, his life as a king of Anga now Bihar, India and his life as a husband & father. The narration ends with Karna becoming the best archer and general in his era followed by his unfortunate demise in Mahabharata; the greatest & the bloodiest war in Indian history, which took place approximately 10,000 years ago. During that course of time, he discovers that he is none other than the reincarnation of the great warrior Karna of Mahabharata. It slowly dawns on him that he is fulfilling his Karmic cycle. All his doubts are cleared when he meets his father from his past life. It is from him that Karna finds a solution to his predicaments. In order to attain salvation and free himself of his nightmares he has to fight the demons of the past. While Karan Vir is on this path of discovery, somewhere in a different realm a new conspiracy was being hatched against him. His friend Duryodhan who has become the dark lord of the underworld, wants his friend back. Karna was a very loyal friend of the main villain of Mahabharata. Duryodhan needs Karan Vir to conquer the whole universe. Will Karan Vir accept Duryodhan’s friendship yet again Will history repeat itself Or will Karan Vir choose to venture into an uncharted territory Unravel the mystery by picking up the next issue of “The Sixth”.