The Sixth Series

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The Catastrophe at the Dulles international airport with the terrorists did not leave any scares on Karan Vir Oberoi, but it did leave a number of Questions in the heroes mind ,Questions about how he managed to survive . Karan vir, in a sitting with his mother at a hospital asked her to explain the fact of him being alive. As he clearly remembered being shot. Already he had been a man troubled by visions of a great Warrior Karna, and now not being able to find answers within himself or his mother he sets out on a journey to find his roots .in his homeland a place he never thought he would be going back to, He still remembers the dream where the Great King Karna was slaying monsters and rakshasasDemons , but what he does not know that he is meant to see this dream as destiny is getting him closer to his own self. as Karan vir reaches India he is warmly welcomed by the care takers of his family and on their way back to his home an accident halts the car. Normally in his homeland Newyork an accident would be defined as a car crash.But here there is a human that flew on to his car,Karan vir is pretty shocked at it for he had never seen anything like this before.