FWD Life

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The  November -  December ​ ​ ​ 201 7  issue of FWD Life magazine brings to you the diverse world of a Malayali. Beginning with the movie world friendship and success story of actor Jayasurya and director Ranjith Sankar, we see more charming stories of Malayalis across the land, making a mark.  Internationally acclaimed designer, Alan Alexander Kaleekal talks about the state of fashion in Kerala. Siddharth Nair takes denim to another level, organically, while Amala Menon revives love for the rustic, with her SaveAGram initiative. On a jollier note, renowned comedians, Abish Mathew and Naveen Richard talk about what it takes to make people laugh, as Thomas Zacharias whips up delicious dishes at The Bombay Canteen. Flip forward for more interesting insights on fashion, food, travel and lifestyle with a southern twist.