Logistics Reckoner

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h1strongConsolidation is the need of the hour!strongh1 h2strongLstrongogistics in India has been going through a rollercoaster for quite a while now. With no significant development in the exports of the country logistics is facing quite a harshtime at present. The market is becoming more and more fragmented and it is in nobodys hands right now. It is becoming harder to manage this sector because of new companies emerging every day.h2 pWe are in strong need of consolidation, something that can club all the companies together and tame this unmanaged sector. We need a common platform for everything to be done, a single window for all logistics needs, which will provide us with better direction.p pOne such solution is the e-services in logistics. We can follow the steps of the e-supermarkets like Flipkart, Amazon and many others. These companies have provided a single platform for users to purchase almost everything one desires. Imagine if consumers and service providers have a single platform where both canp pmatch the demand and supply. This brings us to the main highlight of this issue – the new age of logistics. We believe that with proper implementation of e-services we can achieve a consolidated market that will erase the ever-marked tag of unorganized sector from Logistics. It is high time we break the barriers of this sector, and consolidation is the key! We would like to add one more step to the human and its kind. Logistics Reckoner will be Indias first 100 Online Logistics Magazine in next coming Months. Our team required readers support. Meanwhile, we would like to urge our readers to be a part of the upcoming 6th India Warehousing Show 2016 on 8-10th of June.p pHope you will like this issue. See you next month!p