Marwar India

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p classMsoNormal stylemargin-bottom: 10.0pt; text-align: justify; line-height: 115;strongemspan langEN-GB stylemso-ansi-language: EN-GB;Marwar India’sspanemstrongspan langEN-GB stylemso-ansi-language: EN-GB; September-October 2023 issue brings you the interesting story of spanspan langEN-IN stylemso-ansi-language: EN-IN;the Manganiyar artistes and the span500-year-old patronage tradition of this musical community. Read other remarkable stories of iconic couturier Raghavendra Rathore, span langEN-IN stylemso-ansi-language: EN-IN;toddler sleep specialist Himani Dalmia, storyteller spanspan langEN-GB stylemso-ansi-language: EN-GB;Shailja Kejriwal and entrepreneur Arishi Agrawal, and revel in spanspan langEN-IN stylemso-ansi-language: EN-IN;the luxurious experience of Radisson Blu Resort.spanp p classMsoNormal stylemargin-bottom: 10.0pt; text-align: justify; line-height: 115;span langEN-IN stylemso-ansi-language: EN-IN;The luxury section presents interesting insights on spanthe new wave of luxury jewellery, the art of gourmet gifting and a masterclass on festive décor trends. Flip the pages to espan langEN-GB stylemso-ansi-language: EN-GB;xplore the latest trends presented by spanluxury brands for the ongoing festive season. Hurry, grab your copy now!p