Harpers Bazaar India

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Highlights of Harper’s Bazaar India April-May 2020, issue: BECAUSE IT IS THE LITTLE THINGS THAT BRING US JOY..   For the first time ever in its decade long legacy, Harper’s Bazaar India released its first ever digital issue celebrating the spirit of solidarity, resilience, kindness, fear, and hope. These challenging times have changed the way we approach pillars of Harper’s Bazaar: Fashion and Beauty. They’ve inspired us to unleash our creativity and make the best of what we have. From The Mask Project—a representation of the Indian fashion fraternity’s response towards the cause of the hour to our 24HourswithArt series where twelve eclectic female artists come together—we focused on stripping away the artifice to reveal what really matters. Stories of solidarity and empowerment. Stories of Dalit icons and Indian trailblazers. Stories that make us re-evaluate our ideals of beauty. Stories that reveal what we all have in common and bring us all together. We help you pick a book and a fragrance for every mood and stand with you through those anxious nights.   Over the past decade, Bazaar has stood for the design philosophy of ‘Less is More’. And as we get accustomed to the new normal and decide what is essential, it makes more sense than ever before. As people draw a lens on themselves, we establish moments of collective reflection and document how we feel, how we dress, and how WE find hope. “The idea is to collaborate, communicate, reflect and hopefully renew as we come together,” says editor, Nonita Kalra.