India Today - Hindi

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pHighlights of India Today Hindi 13th March 2024, issue: p p classelementtoproofspan stylefont-size: 11.0pt; font-family: Calibri,sans-serif; color: black;Cover story: Birdsspanp p stylemargin-bottom: 10.0pt;span stylefont-size: 11.0pt; font-family: Calibri,sans-serif; color: black;Lupt Hote Bharat Ke Parindespanp p stylemargin-bottom: 10.0pt;span stylefont-size: 11.0pt; font-family: Calibri,sans-serif; color: black;Climate change, deforest­ation, disease and human apathy are taking a toll on our avian heritage. If we don’t act now, we will lose some birds foreverspanp p stylemargin-bottom: 10.0pt;span stylefont-size: 11.0pt; font-family: Calibri,sans-serif; color: black;Upfront: CESspanp p stylemargin-bottom: 10.0pt;span stylefont-size: 11.0pt; font-family: Calibri,sans-serif; color: black;India Se Kadamtal Karta Bharatspanp p stylemargin-bottom: 10.0pt;span stylefont-size: 11.0pt; font-family: Calibri,sans-serif; color: black;The Household Consumption Expenditure Survey, released by the ministry of statistics and programme implementation MoSPI after a gap of 11 years, suggests that the spending on goods and services by rural Indians has risen at a faster pace than that in urban areas.spanp p stylemargin-bottom: 10.0pt;span stylefont-size: 11.0pt; font-family: Calibri,sans-serif; color: black;Upfront: Himachal PradeshRajyasabha Electionsspanp p stylemargin-bottom: 10.0pt;span stylefont-size: 11.0pt; font-family: Calibri,sans-serif; color: black;Apratyashit Haar Se Hakka Bakkaspanp p classelementtoproof stylemargin-bottom: 10.0pt;span stylefont-size: 11.0pt; font-family: Calibri,sans-serif; color: black;Congress may take some breath in Himachal Pradesh by saving the state government after a big setback in Rajyasabha elections. Few Congress MLAs not voted in favour of party candidate Abhishek Manu Singhvi. As a result he was defeated by BJP candidate Harsh Mahajan.spanp p classelementtoproof stylemargin-bottom: 10.0pt;span stylefont-size: 11.0pt; font-family: Calibri,sans-serif; color: black;Interview: Mohan Yadavspanp p stylemargin-bottom: 10.0pt;span stylefont-size: 11.0pt; font-family: Calibri,sans-serif; color: black;BJP me kisi Ki Koe Davedari Nahi Hotispanp p stylemargin-bottom: 10.0pt;span stylefont-size: 11.0pt; font-family: Calibri,sans-serif; color: black;CM of Madhya Pradesh talked about how he was selected for the post and many more…spanp p stylemargin-bottom: 10.0pt;span stylefont-size: 11.0pt; font-family: Calibri,sans-serif; color: black;Special Report: Main Banunga Dakshspanp p stylemargin-bottom: 10.0pt;span stylefont-size: 11.0pt; font-family: Calibri,sans-serif; color: black;Is par Siyasat kyonspanp p stylemargin-bottom: 10.0pt;span stylefont-size: 11.0pt; font-family: Calibri,sans-serif; color: black;Mission Daksh scheme which was brought to strengthen the weak students of Bihar has been hampered for many reasons.spanp p stylemargin-bottom: 10.0pt;span stylefont-size: 11.0pt; font-family: Calibri,sans-serif; color: black;Special Report: Paper Leakspanp p stylemargin-bottom: 10.0pt;span stylefont-size: 11.0pt; font-family: Calibri,sans-serif; color: black;Har Pariksha Par Bhari Padte Paper Mafiaspanp p classelementtoproof stylemargin-bottom: 10.0pt;span stylefont-size: 11.0pt; font-family: Calibri,sans-serif; color: black;After paper leak incident in UP constable recruitment exam the state government took harsh step. The government cancelled the exam.spanp p classMsoNormal p