India Today - Malayalam

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Highlights of India Today Malayalam issue dated April 23rd, 2014. The issue looks at Why Manmohan Singh Failed. The excerpts from the book written by MMSs ex media advisor Sanjaya Baru is the main stay of the cover story. Quoting from his book an accidental prime minister It says that, the risk averse TKA Nair could never be to Manmohan Singh what Brajesh Mishra was to Atal Bihari Vajpayee. The readers will get answer to how MM Singh was became subservient to congress president Sonia Gandhi. Ten facts you did not know about Manmohan singh is a good package in the cover story. The election package in this issue contain the political situation in Madhyapradesh, India Today-Cicero survey conducted in UP and Bihar and the resurgence of Maharashtras former chief minister Ashok Chavan. The article about Madhyapradesh says that namo factor is not in the state. The BJP state leadership is keen to keep Modi out side and they have their own mission 29 apart from Modis 272 plus. After the election, they hope that Loksabha opposition leader Sushama Swaraj would be the plan for a PM candidate. The article about Ashok Chavan is examining how Adarsh Scam tainted former Maharashatra Chief Minister Ashok Chavan is retaining his prominence in maratha politics. The India Today-Cicero survey is preditcting victory for BJP in the hindi heart land UP and Bihar. Gold smuggling is increasing day by day through the airports in Kerala. The customs is working over night to catch the smuggled gold. But the mafias behind the smuggling are using innovative ideas to smuggle the gold. The story about gold smuggling describe these innovative methods. The TP Chandrasekharans murder is fuming again after two years. This time, K K Rema, wife of slain TP, and RMP were accusing CPM Vadagara Constituency candidate Shamseer have personal connection with the murderer Kiramani Manoj. A two page story about this allegation is examining the political implications of allegation. An exclusive enqury about infamous paravoor gang rape case finds the horror that the victim is living in juvanil home since last three years, at that time the accused are leading a free life. A story about art theft in Tamilnadu is going through the global network ran by Subhash Kapoor, who was now in jail, and how he use the local temple looters to get antique statues from temples of TN. Kerala catholic church got two more Saints, Father Chavara Kuriakose Elias and Mother Euphresia. Two page story about them was going through the miracles, which give them saint hood, and what would be the message get from their life to the Church. Another article about Catholic Church says that church is loosing its cadre nature. This is the new year across the country. Kerala is also celebrating its new year as Vishu. A feature is describes the Vishu in Malabar region. Eye Catcher page contain, examines the caveman politics theory taking example as Indian prime ministers and their height, Chopra cousins, Sritha Sivadas.