India Today

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Highlights of India Today – 29th July 2019 issue: Our cover story this week, Can the Congress rise from the ashes, tries to answer this question amidst the chaos within the party. The search within is now to locate a suitable successor to Rahul Gandhi, one who will be acceptable to the various factions and, of course, to the Gandhis themselves.The cover story also includes a guest column by Delhi-based writer Purushottam Agrawal about how the Congress party can rediscover itself.The Big Story delves into the beurocracy in Indian democracy that is facing a severe shortage of experts.Another segment of the issue looks at HUEMN and Datta who are among a group of labels and designers leading the charge against Indian fashions decorative ensembles as part of a trend that has loosely come to be known the world over as ugly fashion. This issue also comes with two free supplements- Home and Aspire.