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Dear Readers, The game of calculation, permutation and combination are on, as the biggest festival of democracy is being celebrated across India. Amidst all this, my calculation about the future of Indian politics says that whoever comes in, we need better amenities and services that make life easier. We need education so that nobody dies of hunger and we also need security, so that there is no headline like Pulwama Attack. As an Indian citizen, is it wrong to think of all this Well, to an extent it is, because the way the Indian politics is shaping, it is a genuine concern that in between the ego clash of top brass, commoners suffer and there is no end to it. As I press the break of my car, because of the on-going road show, my mind comes back to reality and I am forced to believe that this is where all our tax money goes! Well, I am stuck and so is the country. Let us wish for magic to happen that clears the chaos and we all manage to reach our destinations. Till then, all we need to do is to keep crawling and cribbing for a better tomorrow. Happy Reading!