You & I Weekly

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Throughout history, artificial intelligence AI has been the stuff of dreams for some, and nightmares for others. Although AI can make our lives easier – such as, answering emails for us, suggest where to eat for the Saturday romantic date, and guide our cars through jam-packed traffic – the thought of the future is welcomed with a bit of concern. AI references a machine with the help of coding that can learn and evolve based on its experiences. In layman’s terms, with advanced artificial general intelligence AGI, androids could do anything a human could do. This usually conjures up a scenario like that of the hit series Westworld. In this week’s Feature Story we talk about the history, evolution, our relationship with machines, and how they make an impact in our day-to-day experiences.While AI is about art imitating life, our Cover girl this week imitates art with perfection. An actor par excellence, Regina Cassandra can marinate into her characters effortlessly. From being an effortless comic timer to an excellent villain, she’s got shades of a seasoned performer. Read our Cover Story to find out everything you need to know about the perky actress. People in Focus have the owners of Tericsoft Technology Solutions, Abdul Rahman Janoo and Anand Reddy chatting with us about AI, their initial challenges in the field, and more. The organisation of idea generators, goal seekers, challenge-thirsty professionals, and creators of unique AI projects enhances innovation leading to the growth of the firm. While Mind & Body list out the most popular therapy robots available in the market today, specially designed for people with disabilities, Grand Getaways follows Monish Menon and his friends on their trip to beautiful Vietnam.  And tell us what you think. If you have any suggestions, comments or queries, please e-mail me at