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Journey through Breast Cancer
Journey through Breast Cancer

Journey through Breast Cancer

By: Diamond Books

Single Issue


Single Issue

  • Tue Oct 25, 2016
  • Price : 150.00
  • Diamond Books
  • Language - English

About Journey through Breast Cancer

Throughout the book, I have tried to emphasize how each one of these five women, although devastated initially, exhibits strong faith in herself and after developing a positive attitude with the help of professionals, does not lose it until her fight is over. These women share a strong thread of optimism throughout their journey, and try to help other women like themselves.

I have described each woman’s background in detail, to make a point that cancer does not discriminate! It can develop in anyone, from any economic stratum, from any social class, rich or poor, young or old! However, to give a fierce fight to this disease, the means and measures to fight this war are the same. As such, all these five women, although suffer acutely through the initial shock and hopelessness, and even depression; develop and exhibit empowerment throughout the journey. They are ordinary, every-day women, loving their husbands and children, putting their heart and soul for the betterment of their families, some of them working hard outside their homes to provide for their families, and enjoying simple things of life. The same ordinary women, when attacked by breast cancer, refuse to be defeated by this deadly disease. They overcome their initial shock with a keen desire to fight the disease. I have shown them to be the first rate soldiers combating breast cancer with hope and self-confidence. Each woman’s journey comes to an end with a success, success defined in their own terms, of course.