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By: Virtuous Publications

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About Nirmala

Indian society that drew increasing attention from writers and poets. It (the novel) is a tale of woman’s tragedy, which nevertheless rises above the usual limitations of a roman a these in its dramatization of very specific and highly individualized private lives and makes its appeal on a basis of universal human experience that transcends any local peculiarities of customs and culture The melodramatic novel is centered on Nirmala, a young girl who was forced to marry a widower of her father's age. The plot unfolds to reveal her husband’s suspicion of a relationship between her and his eldest son, a suspicion that leads to the son’s death. Premchand's novel Nirmala, first published in 1927, is one of the most poignant novels in Hindi on the theme of the young adolescent yoked to an elderly husband. Clearly reformist in its agenda, this novel succeeds in exploring sensitive and even dangerous terrain.