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Power Today
Power Today

About this issue

Cover Story: Clouds around coal

Intro: Coal plays a critical role in providing affordable power to teeming millions. However, adoption of supercritical technologies will add to its own sustainability.

Feature  – Diesel Engines & Gensets

Brighter Days Ahead

Diesel genset market is expected to move up from the current sluggishness only when the Indian industrial/ manufacturing sector shores up. 


Special Report  – Power Finance: The Cash Crunch

Banks are riddled with colossal piles of bad debts, the major chunk of which comes from the power sector. As such, better-evolved finance models and focus on renewable projects could be the solution.


Interaction – Distribution

“Customer focus & preventive maintenance provide us edge"

Pankaj Thapliyal, President-Smart Utilities, Essel Utilities Distribution Company Ltd



Waste to Energy 

Realising the Potential

With truckloads of untreated waste being generated daily, while the country is struggling to achieve consistent power supply to all, waste-to-energy looks seems to be a bright proposition. However, awareness and implementation remain major constraints.


About Power Today

POWER TODAY is an influential, well-read and respected magazine. Launched in 2008, it provides all the news and information from the Indian and global power generation, transmission & distribution sectors. Along with a comprehensive, in-depth and insightful analysis, Power Today brings to readers interviews with the who’s-who of the industry, policy analyses, project updates, statistic, technologies, features, key commercial developments and lots more.