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Modern Plastics India
Modern Plastics India

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Index ACI www.aci.ag 50 Krauss Maffei Ad www.krausmaffeigroup.in 15 Aetna Plastics www.aetnaplastics.com 66 Krones www.krones.com 69 AGR International www.agrintl.com 38 LANXESS www.lanxess.com 28 Aimil www.aimil.com 24 Linx global www.linxglobal.com 34 Allied Solutions www.alliedsolutions.com 42 Maag Ad www.maag.com 56 Altem Technologies www.altem.com 38 Menasha facilities www.menasha.com 64 Amut Ad www.alliedsolution.com 35 Mifa Systems Ad www.mifasystems.com 37 Arburg www.arburg.com 72 Milacron india www.milacronindia.com 12 Ascend Materials Ad www.ascendmaterials.com 24A Milacron india Ad www.milacronindia.com 11 Battenfeld-Cincinnati www.battenfeld-cincinnati.com 56 Miliken Ad www.miliken.com 17 BEUMER Group www.beumergroup.com 32 mobilindustrial www.mobilindustrial.com 36 BMP Ad www.b-mp.net 02 MSC Software www.mscsoftware.com 38 Bosch www.bosch.de 32 nova-Institute www.nova-institute.eu 58,75 BOY www.dr-boy.de 54,63 OE-A www.oe-a.org 70 BPF www.bpf.com 59 Omron Ad www.omron-ap.co.in 48A Bry - Air Ad www.bryairsystems.com 27 Oxford Plastics www.oxfordplastics.com 62 Bunting Magnetics www.buntingmagnetics.com 65 Parts2clean www.parts2clean.de 76 Colines Ad www.colines.it 29 PCT www.pct.edu 69 Color-Logic www.color-logic.com 62 Perstorp www.perstorp.com 26 Composites-Europe www.composites-europe.com 75 Petcore Europe www.petcore-europe.org 61 Conair www.conair.com 48 Placard www.placard-ecoinnovation.eu 50 Conair Ad www.coniargroup.com 25 PlaChem International Ad www.placheminternational.in 80A Die Mould India Ad www.diemouldindia.com 53 Plastasia Ad www.plastasia.in 43 Dupont www.dupont.com 54 Plasteurasia Ad www.plasteurasia.com 45 Eiha www.eiha.org 58 Plastics & Pack Ad www.pegasus.com.pk 51 Elite Plus Ad www.elitplus.com 41 Plastics Industry www.plasticsindustry.org 73 ENGEL www.engelglobal.com 68 Plastics System Ad www.plasticssystems.it 31 Euromold www.euromold.com 74 Plastics Technologies Ad www.plasticstechnology.com 13 Foxnum Ad www.foxnumindia.com 33 Polyone www.polyone.com 71 GEKA www.geka-world.com 66 Polyone Ad www.polyone.com 23 GF Machining Solutions www.gfms.com 22 Presto Ad www.prestogroup.com 37 Greiner Packaging www.greiner-gpi.com 22 Refocus Summit www.RefocusSummit.org 73 HARTING www.harting.in 26,76 Smart Machineries Ad www.smartmmpl.com 09 HELLA www.hella.com 40 SML Ad www.sml.at 07 Henkel www.henkel.in 65,66 Solvay www.solvay.com 24 Honeywell www.honeywell.com 70 Husky Ad www.husky.co 80B SPE Ad www.speautomotive.com 49 IndPlas Ad www.indplas.in 39 SPE Automotive www.speautomotive.com 71 IPF www.ipfindia.org 68,74 UOP www.uop.com 70 Jomar Ad www.jomarcorp.com 01A VDMA www.vdma.org 20 Jomar www.jomarcorp.com 06 Vetaphone www.vetaphone.com 30 JSW www.jsw.co 20 Windsor Ad www.windsormachinery.com 19 Kautex Ad www.kautex-group.com 21 WITTMANN BATTENFELD www.wittmann-group.com 52 K-online www.k-online.com 16 Yudo Ad www.yudo.com 01B Surface-Generation www.surface-generation.com 48 To get your FREE copy, click on www.modernplasticsindia.com | August 2015 | Modern Plastics India | 79

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Modern Plastics India, jumped in to its 18th years of publication, would like to offer your branding and keep your customers updated offering your products and services. As you know, Modern Plastics India - monthly magazine for plastic professionals published from India completed Seventeen years on 19th February 2017. Publishers of Modern Plastics India, Plastics Planet, Packaging Planet, Injection Moulding World, Modern Extrusion World, Modern Industrial World, Modern Tourism, Modern Hospitality, Modern Healthcare India, Women India and modelsofindia.in