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14 The UP GamesFinally, polling has begun in the much-anticipated UP elections. A look at the mood invarious districts of the mega state.24 Trump Under Pressure?A coalition of judges, officials and angry US citizens closes ranks against Trump32 The Betrayal Of Olive GreenA young officer who put his life on the line for his batallion was punished for his sincerity inexposing corruption by seniors. His punishment: false cases which he fought for 26 years.56 Feminine Grace To The PitchThe Dilli gharana of Hindustani music got its first female khayal vocalist as late as in the1960s. A profile of Dr Krishna Bisht. And, a similar story from the Carnatic stream.60 King Of His Own WorldA string of hits has made Akshay Kumar the new blue-eyed boy of the box-office8 LETTERS 12 DEEP THROAT 64 BOOKS 72 TRENDING 74 DIARY

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