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while planning a holiday, the one-fits-all approach has long lost its influence on travellers. Millennials want their travel to be more exciting and fulfilling. From choosing destinations to connecting with locals and customising the holiday, the travel industry is looking to add a new dimension to the ever evolving travelling story. According to government statistics in 2017, the annual growth rate of domestic travellers in India stood at 17.2 percent, and has grown to over 4.8 million. Also, according to a TripAdvisor study, more than two-thirds of the people are relying on digital platforms to plan their holidays. The market is huge, with an associated spend of more than 500 billion. While the entire travel industry is in a flux with innovative ideas, companies and products are disrupting the way things are done continuously. However, the big challenge is to stay relevant. Swiftnlift lists ten such startups that are on the right track to sustain in our special issue ‘The 10 Most Innovative Startups in Travel 2019’.