The Childrens Post

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Today, after the very interesting news and sports news, we have:  A. Art by Nakshatra Kulkarni, B Charani, Nandini Chavan, Tapaskumar Nishank.  B. Letters to the editor by Mehtabalam Chaudhary and Sneha Vedpathak.  C. Photograph by Tanish  D. Hindi, Sanskrit, and Tamil proverbs  E. Veervaar Vijeta - Answers, Winners, and this weeks challenges.  F. Meme by Rishab Raj  G. Riddle by Parth Joshi  H. Digital Resource of the week  I. Laugh a lot it is by Ishaan Kaila  J. Bob Mania by Ayush Moitra  K. Kavita Kona  Enjoy the edition!  Love  Nidhi aunty