Analogy between two creations Human and Computer
Analogy between two creations Human and Computer

Analogy between two creations Human and Computer

  • Sat Mar 26, 2022
  • Price : 70.00
  • Rigi Publication
  • Language - English
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"The word ‘Creation’ means bringing things into an existence as per one’s imagination. It is believed that a divine act by which, according to various religious and philosophical traditions, the Universe was brought into existence. This divine act is always referred to as God’s creation of Universe that includes stars, planets, galaxies, living and non living creatures out of which human beings and other species are being on the Earth. For creation, there must be some event/act/action or cause by ‘someone’ which is referred to as creator. It is well accepted that our Universe is created about 14.5 billion years before what we see it today. During the formation of Universe, entire mass of the Universe was concentrated in a point form. Suddenly ‘something’ has happened and mass was exploded with an energy equal to E = MC2 which is well known Einstein’s equation. Here E is energy released, M is mass and C is light velocity. This ‘cause’ was created by some unknown means or power to which we call it as God. It has resulted into creation of Universe that we see today. Besides this there are many theories regarding creation of Universe which are discussed in Chapter 1. It is well known that we, the Human beings and every living and nonliving creatures are part of the Universe (Nature). Our composition is from various constituents of the Universe and finally we will diminish into universe, keeping aside a concept of soul in living being here. Concept of soul is explored in Chapter 3. Conclusion of this paragraph is, we are created from nature and form of our body constituents is biomimetic (Referred to as Biology and chemistry engineering).That is to say our blood flow in body can be treated as electrical current flow in electrical circuits, Our body contains some chemicals which have an equivalence in chemistry and mass, weight has an equivalence in physics. Alternately we are biomimetic machines referred to as computer with brain as CPU, various organs as an interfacing units, sensors like eyes, nose, ears, skin etc. This concept is well explained in Chapter 2 &4. Likewise, computer is a creation of Human and it is completely under human control. It has many similarities in various human aspects like memory, CPU, External interfaces, sensors, training/programming methodologies and many more that are explored in this book. Author has made an attempt to explain how Human brain might be working like CPU in today’s computer by correlating Spiritual science and today’s technology. Further Author have extended same thoughts to explore over all Human behavior and finally compared this behavior with Human created viii computer. He focuses on how ‘Thoughts/ideas’ are generated/stimulated in this biomimetic computers through programming by an extraterrestrials (Gods). He has also covered about intuitions (Sense like 6th sense), dreams and few aspects beyond limitation of Human sensory organs including concept of Luck and ideas. Looking at the many similarities and less dissimilarities between these two creations, Author finally come to an inference that we are also controls, programmed by a power that exists in Nature likewise computers (Robots) that follow our instructions as per our desire. This supernatural power we referred it to it as God. Chapter 1 gives architecture of Human as a biomimetic computer along with Human created today’s computer. It also covers similarities in functions of various interfaces. Chapter 2 focuses on biomimetic CPU and its various integral parts like memory, sensors. Soul (energy source.), biomimetic CPU and memory interface with its working. Chapter 3 explains soul, the immortal spiritual energy. Chapter 4 gives an idea of sensor systems and its functioning, origin of Human thoughts, concept of idea and luck. Chapter 5 deals with Human signal processing, decision making, programming of biomimetic computer i.e. human starting from interacting with external world after some period from his birth through speech, body actions, learning mother language, its ability to understand world (Surrounding environment).More detail nature of Universe, Extraterrestrial life, species, purpose of their visit to Earth is given in chapter 6.Chapter 7 explains analogy between Human and computer and finally in chapter 8 inference is drawn whether we are driven by God or really we do not require any drive (Command)drive from any one."