The Dream Catcher
The Dream Catcher

The Dream Catcher

  • Thu Jul 07, 2016
  • Price : 49.00
  • Rigi Publication
  • Language - English
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A self-help book, 'The Dream Catcher' by Umesh Sehgal was a successful albeit controversial book. Published in 2011, the book propagates the presence of a natural law that governs everything in the universe., What The Dream Catcher is! This is the key to catch your dream. The Dream Catcher is not just an ordinary book. It is a book that catches your dream & materialize it. The Dream Catcher is an instrument to give you inspiration to be positive, hopeful & remain always happy. It is a tool to give you confidence in all the walks of life. The Dream Catcher has the power to wipe your tears & bring smile on your face. It is made for accomplishing your dream. It is your good luck that you have approached this path...