Outlook Traveller
Outlook Traveller

Outlook Traveller

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Hiwatari Matsuri, Japan
It involves burning of prayer sticks
called ‘goma’ with Shugendo priests
walking over the burning embers.
2 Tar Barrel, England
Participants light barrels outside
pubs and hoist them on their backs
and run through the streets.
3 Las Fallas, Spain
It involves burning of the
fire-cracker stuffed ‘ninots’ or
effigies made of wood and other
combustible products.

Outlook Traveller is a monthly magazine from the stable of Outlook Publishing India Pvt. Limited and the only significant magazine aimed at the travel reader. Every month since June 2001 OT has introduced readers to the wonders of unknown destinations while also encouraging travellers to take a fresh look at familiar places. Whether people are planning a holiday, or simply dreaming of one, Outlook Traveller continues to take them closer.

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