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* Around 40 Indian workers among 49 killed in Kuwait building blaze

* ‘He was to get his daughter admitted to college’: Many livelihoods snuffed out

* Carpenters to delivery boys: Indians are in demand, living conditions poor

* President turns down mercy plea of Red Fort attack convict on death row

* On Armed Forces table: Let double the Agniveers stay back,  train them longer

* Why Bihar, Andhra are unlikely to get special status, package instead 

* Modi attends return of partner in Andhra, his own party’s debut in adjoining Odisha 

* In first year of pass-fail policy in Delhi schools, 20 per cent of Class 8 students held back

* Majhi sworn in CM of first BJP govt in Odisha

Indian Express covers latest news from India, all exclusive current headlines and India news live, including latest breaking news on business, sports, world & entertainment with a complete a to z full coverage. The Indian Express Nagpur edition.