Pathfinder Publishing

Addressing young professionals in the age bracket of 17-35, Careers360 would straddle the education, career planning and professional guidance market space. The magazine endeavours to help readers meet the challenges of the globalised knowledge economy they live in, by providing in-depth information and advice on careers. It seeks to provide well-researched and sharply structured content, with a friendly but confident tone. Education and career planning are intertwined concerns and have larger societal implications, especially in an opportunity-starved nation like ours. Asymmetrical flow of information exaggerates this problem further. Careers360 attempts to bridge this opportunity divide. Abstracting and digesting information from diverse sources across the world, we take pride in providing actionable knowledge at appropriate juncture throughout the formative period of one's career.
  • 8 - Publications
  • 210 - Issues
  • 6310 - Title Views

