Philosophy of Islam
Philosophy of Islam Preview

Philosophy of Islam

  • Sat Apr 09, 2016
  • Price : 125.00
  • Diamond Books
  • Language - English
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The main purpose behind writing this book is to dispel certain misconceptions, mis-notions. Givings and set at rest the misguided that attributed to Islam. The legendary poet Allamma Iqbal had said (no) Religion teaches and preaches mutual hatred amongst adherents and believers, infact religion plays a cementing role to unite people of different faiths. If there is any element of dissidence it is due to absence of true knowledge. When any message is not explained and comprehended properly, people are bound to be misled; and the onus and duty lied solely upon the religious leaders who often fail to discharge their duties towards the religion and society, I have tried to explain what the prophet Mohammed Preached through the holy Quran, Because all the Muslims, to which ever caste, creed or colour they may belong, have an abiding faith in their prophet and the Quran. If someone ventures to misinterpret the prophet’s message the fault lies solely with the wrong interpreter, but not with the prophet and the holy book. My purpose is simply to explain the exact connotations of the Holy Quran, within ambit of my competence and comprehension so that message of the prophet percolates to all and one and every human being feels to have gained.