Why Does My Child Misbehave
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Why Does My Child Misbehave

  • Mon Oct 21, 2013
  • Price : 100.00
  • Diamond Books
  • Language - English
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Parenting has always confounded young parents. It has become even more complicated today, with 100 different experts speaking 100 different languages with equal emphasis and equally impressive scientific proof. Every expert (and every mother of 2 lays a claim to that title) has his/her own theory to make the children behave and succeed in life. Right from 'Total Hands-Off approach' to 'Tiger Mom's Ruthless Supervision*' there are more shades of grey than you would find in a 64 million colour palette. So where does the answer lie? -- Definitely somewhere, in between the Western system of 'Total Freedom' & Chinese 'system of Total control'. Because in parenting, there is no place for extremes and extremists. Thus, I believe 'THE MIDDLE OF THE ROAD' is the way out of this predicament. The important thing is that - Discipline will not only have to be enforced but cherished, as a concept. Whereas, Pampering and Harshness would have to be given a wide berth and left alone.