Feelings Gujarati Magazine
Feelings Gujarati Magazine

Feelings Gujarati Magazine

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‘FEELINGS’ - 1st February, 2015 issue released with special feature of India’s PM Narendra Modi and America’s President Obama. An excellent articles related Obama’s visit in India.is the attraction of this marvelous issue. There is also an informative article on plants for Ayurvedic medicine maintain in Jamnagar University. In this issue, also a good article on India-Pak ‘Sarhad’. The review of the incoming hindi films released in film’s column. Also the special coverage of ‘VadFest-2015’ organised in Vadodara. The other articles is also fulfill the expectations of the readers.

Feelings, a Gujarati magazine has been in publication for over 21 years now and has created a strong niche within India and overseas. It is available in over 44 countries and has a readership of over 25 lakhs through print and online media. 

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