Feelings Gujarati Magazine
Feelings Gujarati Magazine

Feelings Gujarati Magazine

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‘FEELINGS’ - 15th July ‘14, issue is released with different and informative articles. Cover story on China is in proper time. Nowadays, China is a hot topic especially for India. So, in this article, described different types of points (good & bad) related the relations between India & China. Today’s another hot topic is ‘Onion’. Feelings is presented the nice article on this topic. The article on ‘Jan sangh’-Part 2 by Vishnu Pandya is really informative. The other articles including regular articles like I K Vijliwala’s story, Health, Fashion, Feelings Mirchi, etc. are definitely fullfill your expectations as usual.

Feelings, a Gujarati magazine has been in publication for over 21 years now and has created a strong niche within India and overseas. It is available in over 44 countries and has a readership of over 25 lakhs through print and online media. 

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