Feelings Gujarati Magazine
Feelings Gujarati Magazine

Feelings Gujarati Magazine

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This issue is a very good combination of variety of subjects like, music, patriotism, social responsibility and childcare. Besides, it covers the condition of the old people in abroad, the major turning point of ladies (in the field of carrier) and ofcourse, the regular articles too of its own. The major story is on the siachen. our soldiers are on duty at -50cold. Lots of ‘salaam’ to our great, strong and standing army. Because of their strict vigilance we are safe inside. How the cyclones are named-article is informative and with that the relation between smell and animals-is so amazing. The story of Mr. Savjibhai Dholakia reminds us the great donner Bhamasha. The relation between Baroda and the famous painter Raja Ravi Verma is unforgettable.

Feelings, a Gujarati magazine has been in publication for over 21 years now and has created a strong niche within India and overseas. It is available in over 44 countries and has a readership of over 25 lakhs through print and online media. 

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