Absurdities of Oblivion - Love Saga of Distorted Minds
Absurdities of Oblivion - Love Saga of Distorted Minds

Absurdities of Oblivion - Love Saga of Distorted Minds

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Absurdities of Oblivion is a love-saga of blood-related lovers who after crossing many barriers ofoblivion meet just by chance. It’s a psycho-analytical study of their struggle in the absurd world forestablishing their identity and making place in human society. The novel deals with the theme ofExistentialism and explores life with thread-bare approach to human values. Above all barriers ofcaste, creed and religion, it preaches communal harmony with its secular outlook. It shows thatrelations made upon human kinship are more lasting than the man-made artificial relations standing ongreed and self–interest. Man’s struggle for existence and role of circumstances in human life are alsorichly highlighted. The problem of uprooting, exile and estrangement is dealt with comprehensively,particularly in the case of both the protagonist and the heroine. The novel ends with sting-in-the-tail.