Journey to the Celestial City
Journey to the Celestial City

Journey to the Celestial City

  • Thu Jul 28, 2016
  • Price : 120.00
  • Powerpublishers
  • Language - English
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Mind, the protagonist undertakes the journey to the Celestial City to obtain divine blessings. The book, which is a melding of Christian and Hindu thoughts, is a metaphor of the Bible. During his journey, Mind encounters many obstacles in the form of individuals he meets. Passion, the daughter of Knowledgeable, tries to seduce him. Lucifer beats him mercilessly just because he encroaches upon his area. Mind also comes across Mounibaba, self- proclaimed religious preacher, who is engaged in all types of heinous activities of looting, killing people and utilizing their skull to drink wine, but preaching the same as the rituals of performing Puja. Transcending all the set-backs and assaults, Mind ultimately reaches the Celestial City and achieves liberation. Abiding in pure consciousness, he returns to his home town and begins benevolent work for the people.