The Paused Waves
The Paused Waves

The Paused Waves

  • Thu Oct 25, 2018
  • Price : 108.00
  • Powerpublishers
  • Language - English
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The Paused Waves is about Madhabi Bose, author’s friend and Aaheli’s grandma. The author used to stay at her friend Aaheli’s house in her college days. Whenever Aaheli used to ask her father anything about her grandparents, he used to get embarrassed and even become angry for being nosey about them.One day while spring-cleaning, they found a journal of Madhabi Bose. Her life was full of adventures and thrills which really amazed them. Her son misunderstood her and since then he didn’t keep any contact with his mother. They came to know the truth about her and collected necessary evidence and witness to redress the matter.Will Aaheli’s father realize his mistakes? Will the author and her friend be able to fulfil their last wishes?This creation is a tribute to all single mothers who have faced great hardships in life without any support from the society and finally came out as a strong independent woman. I tried to portray the individuality of a single mother that has always existed in our society but has hardly ever been accepted or valued.