The Children's Post
The Children's Post

The Children's Post

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Its my dads birthday today. It is also the birthday of The Children's Post. We complete 4 years today! 

Today's bumper edition includes: 

A. IT update from the proceedings of the Parliamentary Committee of India 

B. PGI scores of India (What is that, you ask, Anirudh Bhargava, our ace journalist, is here to explain) 

C. The new programs being offered by IITs across the country from this academic session. Check out the subjects being offered!  - report by Aditi Mukund 

D. Your Page - Art Gallery special, featuring Anika Chawla, Kankana Sengupta, Meenakshi, Shaurya Singh Aswal, and Aayan Manhas 

E. Our Birthday Wishes - Special Feature by Ananya Singh 

F. Our Birthday Wishes - A card from Shivani and Chinmaya, and letters from Aryaa Sinha and Ishaan Kaila. 

G. Veervar Vijeta - Last week's answers, winners, and this week's challenges. 

H. Meme Fest - based on the Meme challenge from last week. Featured memes were made by Ipshita Kapila, Roshandeep Kaur Rosha, Ishaan Kaila, and Shruti Rathour. 

I. Happy Doctors' Day - A heartwarming letter from Advika Gupta, and a lovely card made by Sanju. 

J. Doctors' Day Special - Interview with Dr. Deepti Chhabra 

K. Sports News by Ishaan Kaila 

L. Bob Mania by Ayush Moitra. 

This edition, a bumper 15 pages, is also free to share. 

Enjoy the edition! 


Nidhi aunty 

The Children's Post of India is a daily newspaper created by mothers for children. The ideal age group is 8 to 14 years old. Its a 4 page, print at home newspaper. 

If you are an institution (School, NGO, Activity center) working with children in this age group, please get in touch to get the paper and share with your students. Individuals can take the paper from here and share with their children.

This subscription licence is only for one child/family. Please do not use this subscription for redistribution in any form or format. 

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