Mobile Web

AMP Stories – Making room for more Style and Creativity

When Google launched Accelerated Mobile Pages(AMP) in February 2016, the prime focus was to utilize the strength of mobile by making mobile web performance stronger and convenient for the audience. If you consider the situation today, AMP is not just a feature that you can brag about but a necessity for your business to compete in the race.
Hence, there is no harm in saying that Google achieved its goal by introducing AMP and moreover coming up with the concept of AMP stories or Web stories.

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Next-gen UX

One Unify Toolbar- Engage and earn with seamless content delivery

The media industry runs on timely content delivery and its outreach to customers. It may be trending news, ePaper, Live TV, editorial section or anything even remotely related to publishing, it needs to be shared further as much as possible. More the number of users reading the news more is the revenue that you can generate. While there are news updates coming in throughout the day from various domains, do you find it a tad bit hectic to keep up with your competitors in terms of engagement?

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Next-gen UX

Optimize Cumulative Layout Shift for better visual stability

Optimizing a website for better user experience consists of various factors like load time, responsiveness, interactivity and visual stability. We have learned about core metrics of web vitals, Largest Contentful Paint deals with load time and First Input Delay deals with Interactivity. Now let us move further towards the last core metric, Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) that deals with the visual stability of a site.

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